Being diagnosed with a condition like Crohn’s Disease at a young age is tough enough, but when it nearly costs your life, stacks up expensive and unexpected medical bills and prevents your ability to go to work, it is more than overwhelming. Michael, a St. Johns County resident learned this recently when doctors gave him just hours to live.
Today, Michael is back to his friendly, happy self. He has returned to work and can engagingly tell the story of his past birthday and spending it with nurses in the hospital. However, it wasn’t that long ago that he experienced this frightening situation and faced a difficult recovery. His family and doctors wanted him to focus on regaining his strength, but like many that are dealt unexpected medial expenses, Michael also faced the question of how to heal when you are worrying about expenses?
Michael is happy to share he turned to United Way of St. Johns County for resources, connections and help. Working with a United Way fund for administered through Catholic Charities, Michael qualified as a working individual suffering a crisis and his rent could be paid.
Like many, Michael is someone who had learned about and supported United Way through his workplace. He’ll tell you he understood the concept but did not anticipate he would be learning first-hand what it means to go from donor to recipient.
Back on his feet and back at work, Michael has come full circle in his relationship with United Way-SJC. This is due to donors that make the work of United Way possible. If you ask Michael, he grins from ear-to-ear and says he is back to normal.